
Wii/DS connectivity in 2007

Nintendo heeft bevestigd dat het bezig is om software te maken waarbij je de DS en de Wii met elkaar kan laten communiceren. Deze toepassing zou dan vooral gebruikt gaan worden om meer plezier in het gamen te beleven (in tegenstelling tot bijvoorbeeld de samenwerking tussen PC en Xbox 360 waar het vooral draait om het streamen van media).

We haven't made any announcements over specific software for connectivity, but there are definitely a number of exciting things in creation which we want to bring to market as soon as possible. We're hopeful that will be next year.

Our competitors might offer connectivity between formats, but it concentrates on media capabilities, rather than the fun and interaction you'll get when you bring our two consoles together. For example, the connectivity between Xbox 360 and PC is very much based in streaming video and other media. The link-up between Wii and DS will be much more about offering new forms of gameplay, fun and interaction. It will offer yet another new set of experiences for the whole family

aldus Nintendo.