Chuck Norris tekenfilm


Een tekenfilm van Chuck Norris, grote kans dat je net als ik niet wist dat dat ooit bestaan heeft.

Even een hele luie copy-paste van YouTube over dit filmpje:

This is not a parody. This was a real show made in 1986 and is currently being syndicated by [Adult Swim]. This is the magical intro to the first episode of 'Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos'. And they say 'Chuck Norris' 8 times in the 1 minute intro, as well as 3 instances of 'Chuck' by Too Much, Pepper, and the announcer and also 1 instance of 'Norris' by the not-so-super Super Ninja. For a total of 11 references to Chuck Norris in 60 seconds. There are also about 8-10 seconds without any words... so REALLY... they say a reference him by name 12 times in 50 seconds.

58 seconds - 10 for action - that a Norris reference every 4 seconds.

tja, wat kun je er verder nog over vertellen, behalve dan BEST. CARTOON. EVER.

Met dank aan Yi-Long voor de submit.