AI Picture Gallery #137

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] Zhangjiajie | by Subterfugitive ::0 Portrait | adult in sleek hanfupunk attire wearing tech goggles, sandstone pillars in the misty background with spotlights ::6 Background | Zhangjiajie city under midnight purple moonlit sky at night, visible moon ::4 Setting | Festive zenpunk tourist city is set on top of massive natural earthen sandstone pillars the size of huge cities, city rests on top of a massive sandstone pillar over one kilometer off the ground, surrounded by numerous pillars, misty atmosphere, megatowers rise from the sandstone pillars, massive steel elevators, zhangjiajie bridge, cable cars span pillars, coral light glows from megatower raytraced windows, winding meandering stone roads, kintsugi reflective puddled pavement ::5 Surroundings | forest green, mist green, coral, and ultramarine palette, zenpunk atmosphere, rock chunks, bright glowing viles of green liquid, frayed vines, steel cable, porous stone, rainforest foliage, asian tiger lilies, neon green fiber optic cable, bokeh, a murmuration of coral, green, and violet fireflies, indicator lights, orange glowing outdoor space heaters, dew drops, gemstones, rainforest bloomcore, japanese lolitapunk, hanfupunk ::5 People | alluring adult humans with sleek ornate hanfupunk haute - couture clothing, tech goggles, and boots with cramp - on microspikes that perfectly blend into the contents and texture of their surroundings, also wearing perfectly round raytraced transparent holographic tech goggles displaying superimposed image in front of their face and eyes from rear view cameras, hypermaximalism, hyperdetailed ::6 Parameters | tilt - shift, photorealism, digital photography, fashion photography, hyperdetailed, hyperreal, raytracing, unreal, octane, 16K ::4 arts and crafts ::-1