AI Picture Gallery #115

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] ultra-sharp photography of a kpop artist from venizia carneval death woman doctor sitting in an alluring pose, perspective from under, black mask + cinematic shot + dynamic composition, incredibly detailed, sharpen, details + pose from a hajime Sorayama painting + vantablack knitted wool dress with red cyberpunk filigree details + futuristic Seoul in background + perfectionism + ultra detailed hair + ultra detailed skin + ultra detailed eye + close mouth + dress in knitted wool haute couture + knitted futuredress for woman + high fashion make up + art by Emil Melmoth, Giger, Marcin Nargraba, Rebecca Millen + high fashion make up + award winning realism + The image is shot in a dark style, with a sense of hopelessness and despair + close up shot+ cinematography + bokeh + lens flare + film grain + photography, DSLR, 50mm lens f/2.8, shutter speed 1/60, soft light source