"DayZ standalone alfa wordt een teleurstelling"


DayZ's aankomende standalone alfaversie wordt een teleurstelling voor iedereen die niet geïnteresseerd is in een kijkje achter de schermen in de ontwikkeling van de game, zo waarschuwt creative lead Dean 'Rocket' Hall. Hij noemt de versie "a true-blue alpha".

“Massive areas of the engine were entirely reworked, involving a large team of people over the last 12 months. Much of what these achievements will enable won’t be seen for many months – so I really plead for anyone who is on the fence to take a skeptical approach – watch streams, read reviews, watch some let’s play and form your opinion,” zo zegt Rocket.

“You could always come back to the game in three, six months time and buy it then. Buying early will be a recipe for disappointment, it’s a chance for those who want to be part of that whole process. For them, the process is as much as part of the game as the whole experience. For many, this is the opposite of what they want. To enable a smooth launch, we really are targeting it at a core audience who want to get deeply involved in a very barebones experience that is a platform for future development.”

Dean Hall laat verder weten dat Bohemia flink wat voortgang heeft geboekt om de framerate hoog te houden wanneer er veel spelers in de buurt zijn.

“Overall, the mood on development is quite upbeat. We’re all pretty tired, as it has been very late and long working days. We had a new programmer and new designer start this week, and some assistance from the ArmA 3 team to prepare the creation of our own audio team,” zo voegt Dean Hall toe.

“We’re looking forward to getting the Alpha out into Early-Access. I think that while some might be disappointed that this is not some feature-packed, graphically focused, masterpiece – we’ve been focused on addressing the major architectural issues and it’s represented a massive body of work over the last 12 months.”

DayZ standalone is binnenkort te spelen via Steam Early Access, maar verwacht dus nog geen echte game.

DayZ zeer waarschijnlijk ook voor PS3