"Online multiplayer is niet Nintendo's focus"


Shigeru Miyamoto liet vorige week tijdens een interview met Kotaku weten dat Super Mario 3D World geen online multiplayer krijgt, omdat daar de focus simpelweg niet op lag. Als mensen samen willen spelen, zou dat volgens Miyamoto het beste in de woonkamer gebeuren.

“While online play is certainly technically possible for us, it simply wasn’t the focus for us this time around,” aldus Miyamoto. “What we really wanted to do was to create something that people could experience fully while playing comfortably with others who were nearby them, and this is something we decided would be best for Pikmin and the best case for Mario here as well."

“Now, that is to say the answer to this question might change in ten years time, if there’s a future game where for example we don’t think it’s important to be able to see the face of the person you’re playing with, then we might be able to focus more on some online function there."

“But for right now our focus is really on a comfortable play experience with people in the same room.”

Super Mario 3D World komt in Europe op 29 november uit voor Wii U.

Is het volgens jullie nog wel van deze tijd om een game uit te brengen zonder online multiplayer? Of is lokale co-op 'goed genoeg?'

Super Mario 3D World (Foto: Nintendo)