Battlefield 4 krijgt field upgrades


Battlefield 4 gaat veel meer om teamwork draaien dan de vorige Battlefield-games als het aan DICE ligt. Field upgrades zullen een van de manieren zijn waarop teamwork aangemoedigd zal worden.

Lead multiplayer designer Thomas Andersson vertelt dat DICE graag wil dat mensen elkaar helpen: “The way we’re going about it in Battlefield 4 is to highly encourage team play – but never force it. We want to promote team play by creating great gameplay mechanics such as Field Upgrades, Commander Mode, and a new range of gadgets specifically designed to expand co-operation in the field.”

“We have drastically expanded on the tools and benefits of efficient team play, and as a result we feel Battlefield 4’s multiplayer experience is the deepest, most rewarding, and fun experience in the series.”

Andersson legt uit dat de zogenaamde 'field upgrades' in Battlefield 2142 ook al terug te vinden waren, maar ze zijn aangepast voor Battlefield 4. “If you’re a long term fan that played Battlefield 2142, you will already have an idea what these are, but we have tweaked them for Battlefield 4. In short, Field Upgrades are chained boosts that can affect a number of gameplay mechanics for your player."

“Similar to the specializations in Battlefield 3, these can for example provide you with faster sprint speed, stronger personal armor, or expanded ammo capacity. The idea behind Field Upgrades is to give individual rewards for squad based team play performance."

“You earn them through squad scoring such as squad healing, completing objectives with your squad members, squad resupplies, squad repairs, and other squad actions. Instead of one single specialization like in Battlefield 3, you can now pick from different upgrades paths, each containing four specializations."

“Keep the squad alive, and you will move through the accumulative upgrade path. But watch out! If your entire squad is eliminated, you will lose some of your progress.”

Volgende week zullen we zien hoe de field upgrades daadwerkelijk werken en DICE zal ook een paar gloednieuwe specializations onthullen.

Het zal dus belangrijk zijn om goed samen te werken, want op die manier zul je ook echt daadwerkelijk sterker zijn dan de tegenstander. Denken jullie dat dit in de praktijk zal helpen?

Battlefield 4 zal vanaf 29 oktober te spelen zijn op pc, PlayStation 3 en Xbox 360. De game zal ook uitkomen voor PlayStation 4 en Xbox One, maar wanneer is nog onbekend.

Battlefield 4 (Foto: EA)