Voorlopig geen Medal of Honor meer

WesleyB (Wesley Akkerman)

Electronic Arts heeft bekendgemaakt dat er voorlopig geen Medal of Honor-spel meer uitkomt, omdat het laatst verschenen spel in de serie, Warfighter, geen commercieel succes behaalde. Ook critici waren niet lovend.

"The game was solid, but the focus on combat authenticity did not resonate with consumers", zegt Peter Moore. "Critics were polarized and gave the game scores which were, frankly, lower than it deserved. This one is behind us now. We are taking Medal of Honor out of the rotation and have a plan to bring year-over-year continuity to our shooter offerings."

EA Labels-directeur Frank Gibeau gooit het over een iets andere boeg. "We're in a hit-driven business where it's about what you can build in a certain period of time and really deliver for the marketplace, and frankly we missed on Medal of Honor. And we take responsibility for that."

Gibeau gaat verder: "If you look at Medal of Honor as a specific case, it was really about a hit missing." Gelukkig voor EA heeft de uitgever nog vier andere shooterseries, te weten Battlefield, Bad Company, Army of Two en Syndicate.