Gratis van realm wisselen in WoW


World of Warcaft-gamers die vaak op ontzettende drukke realms zitten, krijgen binnenkort de mogelijkheid om gratis hun personage naar een nieuwe realm te verplaatsen. Deze realm is gelijkwaardig aan de realm waar ze vandaan komen. Het is niet mogelijk in te stellen naar welke realm je verplaatst gaat worden.

Blizzard heeft dit vandaag aangekondigd om de serverload van deze realms te verlagen. In totaal zijn er achter servers uitgekozen waar gamers uit kunnen stappen. Mensen die in een guild zitten moeten hun Guild Master aanspreken; deze kan namelijk een  Guild Master Realm Transfer kopen waardoor de hele guild naar dezelfde realm verplaatst word.

Zie het volledige bericht van Blizzard hieronder:

We're providing free transfers off of overpopulated source realms that are currently seeing high queue times. If you're on one of the below realms and would like to avoid waiting in queues to play, you can take advantage of these free transfers. We've done our best to match realm types and time zones for a smooth transfer process.

We're planning to allow the current transfers to go until approximately 9:00 a.m. PDT, October 4, but please note that if a large number of people transfer to a destination realm we may need to end the free transfers early. If you're planning to transfer we recommend doing so sooner rather than later.

Although free Guild Master Realm Transfers are not possible at this time, these free character transfers will allow you to retain your guild membership and reputation, provided the guild master completes a Guild Master Realm Transfer to the destination realm first, and does not change factions.

Free Transfers 9/27 – 10/4

From: Frostmourne (Oceanic - PvP)
To: Gundrak (Oceanic - PvP)

From: Illidan (Central – PvP)
To: Mug'thol (Central – PvP)

From: Kil'jaeden (Pacific – PvP)
To: Frostwolf (Pacific – PvP)

From: Area 52 (Eastern – PvE)
To: Velen (Eastern – PvE)

From: Darkspear (Mountain - PvP)
To: Bloodscalp (Mountain - PvP)

From: Tichondrius (Pacific - PvP)
To: Dark Iron (Pacific - PvP)

From: Stormrage (Eastern - PvE)
To: Trollbane (Eastern - PvE)

From: Kel'Thuzad (Eastern - PvP)
To: Alterac Mountains (Eastern - PvP)

To take advantage of these transfers log into Account Management, select your World of Warcraft license, and at the bottom click on Free Character Migration. Eligible characters will be listed. Please see the Free Character Migration Disclaimers and FAQ for more info.

We'll be continuing to closely monitor realm concurrency, and will provide updates should the above transfers be altered, or any new transfers become available.