Kellee Santiago verlaat Thatgamecompany

Yaron Elmaliah (Noray)

Kellee Santiago, mede-oprichter van Thatgamecompany, heeft de ontwikkelaar van Flower en Journey verlaten. Zes jaar geleden richtte ze het bedrijf op met Jenova Chen, en ze zegt nu alles te hebben bereikt wat ze wilde met de studio. Volgens Gamasutra zouden nog meer werknemers het bedrijf binnenkort verlaten.

"So much of my work at Thatgamecompany was really supporting Jenova [Chen's] visions for the types of games he wanted to make," vertelt Santiago. "And I felt like I have done everything I needed to do there, and that he's in a great place now to go on and continue with some of the other people at Thatgamecompany to take that to a whole new height." Volgens Santiago waren er geen kwade bedoelingen.

Thatgamecompany heeft zelf ook een verklaring uitgebracht: "After the hard struggle behind Flow, Flower and Journey, we've finally reached our goal. Awaiting at the mountaintop are new enlightenments and new sets of milestones for our life. While we want to continue the path of Thatgamecompany, Kellee has found a new direction in her career. Though our path in the future may be different, as TGC begins our next project, we wish Kellee a good journey and that our paths may cross again."

Santiago is wel van plan om aan games te blijven werken. "My hope is that I can take what I've learned and use it to support more teams, more projects, and really, hopefully, help in accelerating the growth of video games as a medium."