PlayStation Store Update


Ook deze week is er weer een lading nieuwe content te vinden in de online winkel van Sony. De speciale Section 8 bundel met gratis DLC is enkel deze week verkrijgbaar, volgende week zul je voor hetzelfde bedrag enkel de basisgame krijgen. Daarnaast gelden de speciale summersale aanbiedingen nog tot en met 3 augustus.

PlayStation 3 games
* 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures (€ 9.99)
* Dead Block (€ 9.99)
* Section 8: Prejudice - Special Offer Bundel (€ 12.99)

* 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures
* Dead Block

PSP Essentials

* Toy Story 3 (€ 9.99)
* Split/Second: Velocity (€ 9.99)
* Tron: Evolution (€ 9.99)

Extra content
* Call of Duty: Black Ops
 -Annihilation Pack (€ 14.49 - vanaf donderdag 28 juli)
* DiRT 3
 -X-Games Asia Track Pack (€ 3.99)
 -Super Teams Pack (€ 2.99 - Bevat onderstaande vier Packs)
 -Brembo Racing Team Pack (€ 0.99)
 -Mobil 1 Performance Team Pack (€ 0.99)
 -Team Yokohama Pack (€ 0.99)
 -Texaco Racing Team Pack (€ 0.99)
* Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
 -Extra set of Mobile Suits (€ 3.99)
* Dynasty Warriors 7
 -New Weapon: Great Axe (€ 0.99)
 -Original Costume Pack 2 (€ 4.99)
 -Original Costume Pack 3 (€ 4.99)
* EyePet
 -Lucky Dip Vehicles 1 (Gratis)
* Homefront
 -Fire Sale Map Pack (€ 2.49)
* L.A. Noire
 -The Consul's Car - Traffic Case (€ 3.99)
* ModNation Racers
 -Junkyard Props Pack (€ 4.99)
* MotorStorm: Apocalypse
 -Muerte: Ace of Spades Event Pack (Gratis)
* Rock Band 2
 -Silverstein - "Burning Hearts" (€ 1.49)
 -Timeless Miracle - "Curse the Werewolf" (€ 1.49)
 -Rishloo - "Katsushika" (€ 1.49)
 -Texas in July - "Magnolia" (€ 1.49)
 -Jukebox the Ghost - "Shizophrenia" (€ 1.49)
* Rock Band 3
 -Yes Pack 01 (€ 6.59 - Bevat onderstaande)
 -Heart of the Sunrise (€ 1.49)
 -I've Seen All Good People (€ 1.49)
 -Owner of A Lonely Heart (€ 1.49)
 -South Side of the Sky (€ 1.49)
 -Starship Trooper (€ 1.49)
* Test Yourself
 -Attention (€ 1.99)
 -Memory (€ 1.99)
* Buzz!: The Ultimate Music Quiz (PSP)
 -Rock Idols Quiz (€ 3.99)

* Section 8: Prejudice - Launch Trailer
* Anarchy Reigns - Whistling Trailer
* Dragon Age 2 Legacy - Trailer
* Renegade Ops - Game Modes Trailer
* PixelJunk Shooter 2 - Online Battle Trailer

* L.A. Noire - Avatars (€ 0.25 per stuk - 17 maal)
* The Studio - Fantasy Mountain Dynamisch thema (€ 1.99)
* The Studio - Vibrant Shapes Statisch thema (€ 1.99)
* Lama - Bungalow Terrace thema (€ 1.99)
* Lama - Cute Kitten thema (€ 1.99)
* Lama - Ice Queen thema (€ 1.99)
* Lama - Lake Spa thema (€ 1.99)
* Lama - Machine Gun thema (€ 1.99)
* Leviathan - Food Frenzy: Apples! thema (€ 1.99)
* Leviathan - Food Frenzy: Cake! thema (€ 1.99)
* Leviathan - Food Frenzy: Chocolate! thema (€ 1.99)
* Leviathan - Food Frenzy: Grapes! thema (€ 1.99)
* Leviathan - Food Frenzy: Strawberry! thema (€ 1.99)
* Smobile - Blue Tiger Camo thema (€ 1.59)
* Disruptive - Electric Rain thema (€ 1.59)
* Disruptive - Frog thema (€ 1.59)