Activision fan van Wii U
Nadat eerder EA, Ubisoft, THQ en Valhalla Studios al hadden aangegeven de nieuwe Wii U een interessante console te vinden stapt ook Activision nu in de hypetrain. Activision ziet in Wii U een console die meer van toepassing is op het soort games dat ze maken wat betekent dat een game als Call of Duty er thuishoort.
Onder andere de krachtigere hardware en verbeterde online infrastructuur zijn zaken waar Activision blij van wordt: "It looks like this is a platform that's going to be even more relevant to the kinds of games we make. They're committing to HD, greater processing power, digital infrastructure, connected universe at the back end... Those are all the things we need to make a state of the art experience for a lot of games. So we were thrilled to hear their plans and I think that anyone that bets against Nintendo does so at their peril. They're a pretty great company."
Hoewel Activision dus erg enthousiast is, hebben ze op dit moment nog geen officiƫle mededelingen omtrent games voor Wii U. Wel denken ze dat Wii U beter wordt voor de 'core gamers' dan Wii was: "I was very excited about some of the things that I saw in the Wii U because I thought it was an innovative take on the next gen controller and the next gen console. I was really excited to see Nintendo taking their console into something that I think is going to be friendlier to core games."