Duur van Modern Warfare 3 bepaald door verhaal


Infinity Wards Robert Bowling heeft in een interview verteld dat Infinity Ward geen maximumtijd heeft gepland voor de singleplayer. De lengte van de SP zal bepaald worden door het verhaal, niet door een vooraf opgelegde tijd. De singleplayer gaat groot worden, aldus Bowling.

"Modern Warfare 3 is big. It has that epic single player campaign and it's all about taking players places they've never been before. Our philosophy on the campaign has always [been] the same. We never set out ... to make X hours of game time. We write a story and the story dictates the length."

Dus...hoe lang zal de game gaan worden? 

"The game's not finished yet. I can't say it's X amount of hours cause we don't know. Coming out of Modern Warfare 2, we did have this very big vision, and a lot of that was a by-product of having the 25, 30 million players that we have.

So Modern Warfare 3 is about the fans - in every aspect of the game."