Hangover-reeks stopt bij The Hangover Part III


Regisseur Todd Philips werd tijdens een persevenement in Los Angeles gevraagd naar het derde deel van The Hangover. Er werd nog niet veel over gesproken, maar hij had al wel een idee, luidde zijn antwoord. Het zou compleet gaan afwijken van de voorgaande twee delen.

Todd Philips' woorden waren: "If we were to do a third one, and quite honestly we really haven’t talked about it as we just finished the movie two weeks ago, this is the first time we’ve all been together in awhile. If we were to do a third one, if the audience…if the desire was there…I think we have a clear idea where that would head and it’s certainly not in the same template you’ve seen these movies and obviously we always envisioned it as a trilogy as you can imagine (lot’s of laughter), the third would very much a finale and an ending. The most I could say about it and I haven’t discussed it with these actors is that it is not following that template but very much a new idea. As far as where it takes place…I’m very open like the Olympic committee to being pitched and presented cities…flown around with wine and women and bribed and then I will make my decision."

The Hangover Part II draait vanaf 26 mei in de Nederlandse bioscopen.

The Hangover Part II

The Hangover Part II