Op naar Isengard in Lord of the Rings Online

Yaron Elmaliah (Noray)

Lord of the Rings Online krijgt in 2011 een nieuwe uitbreiding, Rise of Isengard, heeft de uitgever zojuist bekendgemaakt. De inmiddels free to play-MMO zal allerlei nieuwe features krijgen waaronder een verhoging van de level cap naar 70, nieuwe zones, quests en meer, waaronder natuurlijk Orthanc, de toren van Saruman.

Bekijk hier de features zoals bekendgemaakt door Warner Bros. Interactive en de nieuwe teaser trailer:

"Experience the Rise of Isengard – The Epic Story continues as the Grey Company makes its way south into Dunland, but troubles arise as their road takes them into lands where Dunlending forces, marshaled by the Wizard Saruman, prepare for war. The Rangers must seek new allies and face dangerous new foes, chief among them the traitor Saruman, whose web of intrigue threatens to endanger your quest, your friends, and your life."

"Increased Level Cap — Players will be able advance their characters up to level 70, gaining access to new traits, virtues, skills and class quests."

"Expanded Monster Play – LOTRO’s monster play system will get a major revamp including opening up the feature to all players, changes to monster player skills and advancement and a brand new region for players to battle for or against the forces of evil."

"Rise of Isengard is set for release in fall 2011 and will be available for purchase through the LOTRO store."