Level cap Fallout 3 met 10 levels omhoog

Eurogamer heeft een interview afgenomen met de DLC's lead producer van Fallout 3, Jeff Gardiner. Hierin vertelt Jeff dat met het aankomende DLC pack met de naam "Broken Steel" de level cap met 10 levels omhoog gaat, het maximale level wordt dan 30. Broken Steel is het derde DLC pack en moet ergens in maart verschijnen voor de PC en Xbox 360.

Eurogamer: You've said you'll raise the level cap with Broken Steel, the third pack. When Pete Hines spoke to us just after the launch, he said there were "no plans" to do that and you felt level 20 left you "plenty tough enough". What's changed? Also, how far will you be raising it?

Jeff Gardiner: Pete was talking about the level cap in the game as it was released. Level 20 is plenty tough. But we felt there's no harm in letting the player enjoy the game as long as they'd like, and so along with removing the game's "ending" with Broken Steel, we figure raising the level cap would allow them to do that. We plan on raising it to level 30 - but it will be a long, hard climb to get there!