Extra content Rock Band 2 voor de Wii komt begin 2009
Hi everyone:We’ve noticed a bit of confusion on the forums regarding add-on content for Rock Band 2 on the Wii. The downloadable content is in the final testing stages and Harmonix is working as fast as possible to deliver the 20 free bonus songs for Rock Band 2, plus an additional 30 songs from the Rock Band DLC Catalog to fans as early in 2009 as possible. As soon as we can announce a firm date, you can be sure the Rock Band community will be the first to know.
We hope this clears up any confusion about Wii DLC. Again, Rock Band 2 for the Wii is an amazing full band experience that ships with 84 of the best tracks in rock and roll. Stay tuned here for more information as it becomes available.
Er zullen dus 20 gratis bonus songs beschikbaar komen, plus een extra 30 nummers uit de Rock Band DLC Catalogus. Een preciese datum is echter nog niet bekend.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nee het is DLC voor Rock Band 2!