[TGS 2008] Verkoop Xbox 360 wereldwijd fors toegenomen

Sinds de internationale prijsverlaging is de verkoop van de Xbox 360 flink toegenomen. Microsoft heeft op de Tokyo Game Show bekendgemaakt dat de verkopen in de VS zijn verdubbeld, in Europa met 62% zijn gestegen, en in Japan zelfs zijn vervijfvoudigd.

You know hotcakes? The 360's selling like 'em. The company have announced during their TGS address this morning that, since a range of price-cuts were introduced for the console across the US, Europe and Japan over the past few months, sales have - shockingly - increased. According to Microsoft's John Schappert, US 360 sales have "doubled", European sales are up by "62%", and they're up "five-fold" in Japan. Whichever way you look at it, that's an increase.