Hideo Kojima: PlayStation 3 is een "monster machine"
"We started to work on Metal Gear Solid 4 four years ago, after finishing Metal Gear Solid 3," said Kojima-san. "At that time we really didn't know what the PS3 was going to be like, so the first two years was all about experimenting, developing and trial and error."
"In the last two years, we've known what the PS3 is capable of, the specifications of it and how we can utilise it," he continued. "PS3 is a monster machine. That's why it took so much time to create Metal Gear Solid 4."
Kojima gaf daarnaast ook aan dat dankzij de vroege en snelle medewerking van Sony alles soepel is verlopen. Het liet volgens Kojima goed zien hoe belangrijk de Metal Gear Solid-serie was voor Sony.
"Since we're developing only for the Sony format, of course Sony has given us a lot of advantage before the actual release of the hardware," he said. "So we had many meetings with them to discuss the specifications. We analysed this black box quite a lot before it was released, and we experimented with it and we gave Sony a lot of feedback."