"Beowulf interactiever dan God of War"

Beowulf is de zoveelste film-game die gaat verschijnen, maar dit is volgens de makers natuurlijk niet zomaar een film-game. Scriptschrijven Gabrielle Shrager omschrijft de game zelfs als een game die dynamischer is dan God of War, een game waarmee Beowulf vaak vergeleken wordt.

God of War zou een game zijn waarbij je simpelweg van level naar level loopt terwijl Beowulf interactiever zou zijn. Ook moet het verhaal van Beowulf beter zijn dan dat van God of War. Shrager gaat zelfs zo ver dat hij Beowulf een game noemt die nog duisterder is dan God of War.

Not to tout my own horn, but I think the writing is better and the narration is more profound in Beowulf than in God of War, which is a great story also, but more traditional. You have a level, you get to the end of the scene, there's a character that's standing there, gives the spiel and then you go to the next mission, and then you get to the end of that and then you get the spiel. We tried to make it a lot more dynamic. Our script is completely dynamic. You're getting minute by minute feedback according to what your status is, the state of your being as a player. You don't have that in God of War. So maybe it's more interactive in Beowulf.

It's much more visceral. So even though God of War is beautifully choreographed in many of the combats, this is grittier, this is darker, this is more about close combat and less about spectacular finishes, even though we also have some spectacular finishes. It's more about a man struggling, up close and brutal, with his men around him.

They've (God of War) just got the hack and we've got this tactical layer of the thanes that count on you, depend on you and also can be very helpful on the combat field so that's a major difference. In terms of the immersion it's not the same. The cameras are more distant, they're farther off in God of War whereas we're up close and tighter. There are similarities in terms of the anti-hero aspect of Kratos. But the next-gen graphics do a lot for taking you further into the believability and the credibility and the real authenticity of the game.

Beowulf is een multiplatformgame gebaseerd op de film die eind dit jaar in de bioscopen verschijnt. De game is, zoals je al kan afleiden uit het bovenstaande, een actie adventure in de stijl van God of War.