Payton: 'MGS 4 blijft exclusief voor PS3'

Ingrid (Laniboekje)
Een van de assistent producers van Konami die werkt aan Metal Gear Solid 4 is Ryan Payton. Deze Payton heeft in een interview duidelijk gemaakt dat Metal Gear Solid exclusief voor de PS3 blijft ookal vindt hij de Xbox 360 ook een goede console.
Last question, which we're sure you can guess what it is ...

When is the Xbox 360 version coming out? *Laughter* No, it's PlayStation 3 exclusive, that's all I can say.

Well, how are you handling the speculation at this point? There's been a lot of discussion about MGS4 appearing on the Xbox 360.

We like the console, it's fun and there are a lot of great titles for it. But, we're committed to the PS3. We want the PS3 to be successful, and we've had a great history with the PlayStation. So it's a PS3 exclusive title, now having said that ... questions like this don't bother me. The questions that bother me are ones like, "Are you worried that the Xbox 360 is stealing exclusives from the PS3" or whatever. I think that the industry really needs to grow up and get away from this Xbox vs. PlayStation mentality.

I really want to get my point across that the industry is mature enough so that we can get past this. There is space for three consoles, as Nintendo has proven. There are more important things in life than the Xbox 360 or the PS3 getting exclusive titles from one another. Life goes on. But, with that said ... if you want to play MGS4 next year, you're going to need a PlayStation 3. So that's the way it works ... is it something to cry about? No.

In het interview wordt er onder andere ook even gesproken over de 'rumble' die toch weer terugkomt in de PS3-controllers en waar Metal Gear Solid 4 dus toch gebruik van kan gaan maken.
Rumble has been so unique to the whole Metal Gear series. Do you think it would have suffered if it hadn't been in?

A little bit, yeah. I mean, it does bring more to the game, and you miss it when you don't have it. There's also been some parts of the game that we've been able to kind of expand upon because of rumble. Again, I don't want to ruin the surprise but ... I just hope that everyone who picks up the game also has a Dual Shock controller, because it's going to be a lot of fun. And it's not going to just be shaking when you're shooting.

Lees het gehele interview HIER.