BioShock moest tropische game met Nazi's worden
"Every studio has its own dynamic, but we believe that original games require a lot of iteration and sudden changes of direction. It can be terrifying and ageing at times. But it's impossible to sit down at the start of a project and say this game will be XYZ and it will be fun. Bioshock for instance started out on a tropical island with Nazis."
Toen de game in 2004 in ontwikkeling ging was het verhaal nog erg vaag. De game zou toen zich afspelen in de nabije toekomst. De locatie zou een verlaten WWII onderzoekscentrum zijn, nu in bezit van een bio-tech bedrijf dat experimenten uitvoert.
"You have a high level direction, but most of the time you get something working, then realise it's rubbish. You then work away at it until it's fun. Sometimes the best things are total accidents (think about the rocket jump in Quake)."
Aldus McDonagh.

Totaal niet wat de game eerst zou worden