Jack Thompson naar de psychiater?

Arjen (Mr_Belvedere)
Website gamepolitics.com heeft van onze grote vriend Jack Thomspon een email gehad waaruit blijkt dat the Florida Bar het liefst de anti-geweld guru aan een reeks psychologische testen wil onderwerpen. Ook willen ze zijn vergunning 91 dagen inhouden.

Jack zelf is not amused en schijnt al druk in onderhandeling te zijn met de hoge heren:

Mediation failed today because there was no mediation whatsoever [Florida Bar official] Ms. Tuma not only did not move off her [suspension] demand one iota, not one smidgeon, but she instead upped her demand by requiring that Thompson undergo a battery of psychological tests as part of the fabulous deal The Bar offered him

Ms. Tuma [sic] last demand going into the mediation was a 91-day suspension, and she opened and ended with that and a shrink's couch. This is bad faith.

This mediation was a charade. Finally, [Thompson] requests a status conference herein as soon as possible so that we can shut this Star Chamber down. Thompson is not the one who needs a psych evaluation.

"En wat ziet u hierin mijnheer Thompson?"
"Euh.. Grand Theft Auto?"