Mark Rein: PS3 te kloppen console

Bernd (Retuobak)
Mark Rein van Epic heeft na de Game Developers Conference een interview gegeven. Hierin geeft hij zijn mening over de kritiek die Sony en de Playstation 3 over zich heen hebben gehad.

"Sony has a very, very strong brand, so in my opinion, they're still the one to beat."

"The Wii is an impressive piece of hardware, but as you get the visually more impressive games coming out for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, as the marketing dollars get turned up to support the larger quantities of machines, with potential price drops and titles like Singstar which appeal to the larger market... Those machines will ignite, they'll take off, and they'll sell just fine."

Na de speech van Phil Harrison over PlayStation Home en de PS3-exclusive titel LittleBigPlanet zei Rein het volgende:

"It looks like they've got some pretty cool stuff coming"

"As the big titles come out, they're going to sell a bunch of machines. When PlayStation Home comes out, they'll sell a bunch of machines... Yeah, it's a high price, because it's a new, high-end piece of equipment, but history shows that price will come down. They'll sell lots of them, it'll be fine."

Rein geeft ook zijn mening over de kritiek dat er te weinig Playstation 3's in Amerika in de winkel liggen:

"So wait, if they don't have enough machines in stores, that's a bad thing? If they do have enough machines, that's a bad thing? Pick one!

"People just seem to want to take a smack at [Sony], and I can't figure it out. They're the leader, so I guess they have a target on their back."

Ook is hij het er niet mee eens dat PlayStation Home een rip-off zou zijn:

"I read on a developer forum, one of the guys who worked on PlayStation Home said they started designing it in 2004. So when people say things like, 'Oh, they announced this new piece of software! They just copied so-and-so!'. What, you think they just made it last week in their basement?"

Unreal Tournament III, de eerste game van Epic voor de PlayStation 3