Capcom: Wii is een kiddy-console

J (SocialDisorder)
Capcom heeft een stapel games in de pijplijn staan voor Nintendo's jongste homeconsole, maar desondanks denkt Christian Svenson, Senior Director of Strategic Planning & Research bij Capcom, niet dat de toekomst voor Capcom bij de Wii ligt.
We have more titles coming to Wii than what's been announced. HOWEVER, I must admit, many of them (outside of RE) are not mature titles despite the fact that's an area Capcom is known for.

By and large, we don't see the Wii being home to an sizable mature playerbase outside of some of the early adopters. We see it as being very, very broad with a family focus (especially in Japan). If there is a 'core player base' on Wii, within two years, it will be largely a younger player (far younger than 360 or PS3).