Jack Thompson vs. Bully deel 649

Jack Thompson is vandaag nog niet in het nieuws geweest en dat kan hij natuurlijk niet hebben dus is hij weer eens aan het klagen geslagen over Bully. Deze keer is het onderwerp de homo-zoen die je al eerder kon bewonderen op FOK!games.

Sinds het bekend worden van de mogelijkheid om jongens te zoenen is de pers erop gesprongen. Verschillende websites hebben al artikelen geplaatst over de invloed van de homozoen op de verkopen en over verontruste ouders die bang zijn dat het hun kinderen aanzet tot fout gedrag. Jack Thompson moet zich er uiteraard ook weer eens mee bemoeien en heeft een klacht ingediend bij de Federal Trade Commission. Hij wil tevens dat de rechter Bully nogmaals onder de loep neemt vanwege "missing the gay sex in the game".

Dit is de betreffende brief:


It turns out that the school violence simulation game Bully also contains homosexual activity between the game�s hero, Jimmy Hopkins, and other male students.

It is my legal opinion that the sale of this game to minors, which is presently occurring at your stores in Florida, violates Florida�s �Sexual Material Harmful to Minors Statute,� Florida Statute 847.102. Each such sale to a minor constitutes a separate felony. Such sales are occurring to children of all ages because of the game�s wholly inappropriate �Teen� rating, as opposed to the �Mature� rating it deserves. A recent Reuters story indicates that parental concern about this is growing, as reportage of this new video game industry scandal is making headlines today around the world.

I already have pending a Florida lawsuit to stop the sale of Bully to minors, and now that we know that it contains not only high levels of unpunished violence but also homosexual acts the lawsuit will be amended to proceed against it and some of you who are defendants therein on these dual grounds.

I suggest strongly that all of you cease and desist all such sales in the United States immediately. Neither the game�s maker, Take-Two, nor the Entertainment Software Rating Board, told you of this homosexual content, which constitutes a fraudulent and deceptive trade practice, in my opinion, on their parts, and I have alerted the Federal Trade Commission to this.

However, now each of you knows, and from now on, from this minute forward, you are all on the hook.

Regards, Jack Thompson

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