Lik-Sang gestopt, Sony schuldige?

De populaire onlne importstore Lik Sang is out of business, volgens Lik-Sang kunnen ze niet meer functioneren nadat Sony hun meerdere keren heeft aangeklaagd omdat ze PSP's en in de toekomst ook PS3's naar Europa verzenden. Volgens Sony mag dit niet en behoren consoles gekocht te worden in de regio waar ze horen, dit i.v.m regiocodes en garantie.

Lik-Sang:, the popular gaming retailer from Hong Kong, has today announced that it is forced to close down due to multiple legal actions brought against it by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Sony claimed that Lik-Sang infringed its trade marks, copyright and registered design rights by selling Sony PSP consoles from Asia to European customers, and have recently obtained a judgment in the High Court of London (England) rendering Lik-Sang's sales of PSP consoles unlawful.

De volledige statement van Lik-Sang vind je op de site van Lik-Sang en wel *HIER*.

Sony is het er natuurlijk niet mee eens en reageert als volgt:

Lik-Sang did not contest this case (i.e. they did not turn up and therefore incurred no legal costs). We have been awarded substantial costs against Lik-Sang which have not been paid.

We would therefore strongly deny that our actions have had anything to do with this website closing (we assume the legal entity is still trading), and would suggest that this release is sour grapes on behalf of Lik-Sang which is aimed to belittle Sony Computer Entertainment and the British judicial system that found against them

Op Eurogamer staat het volledige artikel met de reactie van Sony en wel *HIER*