PS3 in actie op PSM3-kantoor

J (SocialDisorder)
De redactie van PSM3 kreeg de kans om met de PS3-console te gaan stoeien. Sony deed er MotorStorm en Resistance bij, zodat dat apparaat niet alleen maar mooi staat te zijn.

Het resultaat: een productiviteit die lager ligt dan de temperatuur op de Zuidpool en een PS3 vol met vetvlekken van vieze vingers.

Hun eerste bevindingen kun je hier nalezen.

1) It's quiet like a sleeping baby. A barely audible hum. With the TV on you simply can't hear it at all.
2) It's heavy like a planet. No, really. It's impossible to pick up with one hand.
3) It's shiny like a mirror. In fact, it's impossible to take a photograph of it without the flash spanging every picture into a starburst mess. And therefore it's massively prone to fingerprintage too, with the tiny amount of dust in the office magically attaching itself to its surface in seconds.
4) The PS3 joypad is very light and the tilt system is very responsive. We like.
5) The start up is amazingly fast. And game load times were faster than expected. In fact, PS3 does both at about the same speed of PSP. ie, Long load times due to the massive Blu-ray disc? Nope. Simply not an issue.
6) Andy's fingers kept sliding off the shoulder buttons. But that's because his fingers are slippery.