Kaz Hirai gaat er eens voor zitten met Kikizo

J (SocialDisorder)
Kikizo had een interview met Kaz Hirai, CEO van Sony Computer Entertainment America. Tijdens dit gesprek had Kikizo de kans om de vragen te stellen die iedereen tijdens de Tokyo Games Show beantwoord had willen zien.

Tijdens het interview kwam het volgende naar voren:

* Sony's changed attitude since E3
* Showing PS3 off to consumers for the first time
* "We don't want to make announcements that have no meaning"
* PlayStation profitability - "making huge contributions"
* Losing IP exclusivity on titles like Assassin's Creed
* PS3 a "completely different entertainment experience"
* Sixasis and loss of rumble - why not settle with Immersion
* Input functionality more important than feedback device
* If HD-DVD prevails where is PS3 left for movie playback?
* SCEA not concerned with Blu-Ray, but establishing PS3
* Launch supplies and ramping up production for Holidays
* Strategic delay of the European launch
* Strong platform six or seven years from now
* No Riiiidge Racer or Massive Damage jokes - guaranteed.

Het interview kun je hier bekijken.