Tokyo Game Show PSP-line-up

J (SocialDisorder)
Nadat we berichtten over de PS3-line-up van Sony, hebben we nu ook een lijst met bevestigde en speelbare PSP-games weten te bemachtigen.

Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception (Namco Bandai Games)
Boxers Road 2: The Real (Ertain)
Gundam Battle Royale (Namco Bandai Games)
Homestar Portable (supports GPS) (Sega)
Jan-Sangokumusou (Koei)
Jeanne D'Arc (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Metal Gear Solid: Bande Dessinee [Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel] (Konami)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (supports GPS) (Konami)
Minna no Golf-jou (supports GPS) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (Capcom)
Navigation Software (working title, supports GPS) (Edia)
Ratchet and Clank Portable (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Sarugettchu Piposaru Racer (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology (Namco Bandai Games)
Tenchi no Mon 2: Busouden (Sony Computer Entertainment)