Ubisoft: "PS3-versie Blazing Angels beste"

J (SocialDisorder)
IGN heeft in een interview met Ubisoft gevraagd naar de verschillen tussen Blazing Angels op de PS3 en overige versies. Behalve de voor de hand liggende tiltsensor, zijn er ook grafische upgrades gepleegd, is de multiplayer uitgebreid, zijn er nieuwe missies toegevoegd en zelfs een nieuw camera-standpunt behoren tot de verbeteringen ten opzichte van eerdere versies.

IGN: If you had to pick only one change about the PS3 version not present in other versions, what would it be and why?

Dore: We would say that the PS3 version is not about one big change, but rather about having the ability to fine-tune all facets of the game in order to offer a better experience. Developing the game for the PS3 has given us a chance to change some of the things we felt could have been done better in the original game, and we didn't want to miss this opportunity. The story and dialogue has been reworked a great deal in order to create a greater emotional involvement for the player. The missions have more variety and offer new and interesting challenges, in addition to a number of new missions. The control now offers a greater number of possibilities for customization. Multiplayer has gained more depth due to the new tactical options. These are just some of the improvements the PS3 version has to offer.

Hoe het geheel op een PS3 eruit zal zien kun je op onderstaande screenshots bewonderen.