Interview over piraterij met Ritual Entertainment

Bernd (Retuobak)
Op Shacknews vinden we een interview met het hoofd van de QA (Quality Assurance) afdeling van Ritual Entertainment (SiN Episodes), Michael Russell. Naast hoofd van QA doet Russell ook alle technische ondersteuning voor de producten van de developer. Recentelijk postte Russell op zijn weblog over de gevolgen van softwarepiraterij voor kleine ontwikkelaars. Daarom zocht Shacknews hem op voor een gesprek over dit onderwerp.

Het gehele interview is hier te lezen.

Shack: On the issues of patches, in your blog you mentioned that a lot of the support requests deal with issues that Ritual has in fact already fixed in patches. I would assume that this means the ratio of pirate support requests to legitimate support requests is rising over time. Is this the case?

Mike Russell: Yes. At first, it was about one to one, and over the last couple of weeks it's gone up to five to one.

Mike Russell: I've been in this industry for seven years, and I've seen the effects of piracy. I've seen studios close as the result of it, I've seen people lose their homes. I guess I'm more vocal than a lot of people because I've seen the personal side of it, and it's just sad that we have so many people looking for a way of justifying it.