[Update] Nep Halo 3 details of toch... ?

Arjen (Mr_Belvedere)
Soms kom je hele vage of rare dingen tegen op het internet. Zoals het complete script en de details van Halo 3. Feit of fictie? Had er iemand veels te veel tijd?

Disc One: Campaign

Campaign includes eighteen different missions, nearly twice the size of the first two games.
Spans across the galaxy through dozens of environments from the lower level districts of an abandoned alien city to the desert wastelands on Earth and beyond.
Levels are vast, consisting of a total size that dwarfs both Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 combined.
Engage in massive, large-scale battles where hundreds of characters appear onscreen simultaneously.
Operate new aerial vehicles through intense space and air combat missions.
Play cooperatively with a friend on Xbox Live, System Link or Splitscreen.

Disc Two: Multiplayer
Spartan and Elite skins return, now with greater customization enabling players to create a completely unique online customization.
Fifteen multiplayer maps will be released at launch and more to come via Xbox Live's downloadable content.
Software protection provides new deterrents to illegally modifying the game content. This software is made specifically for Disc Two.
Three exclusive multiplayer game classes available, each offering a completely different experience and all supported in Halo 3 Matchmaking.
Blood Scuffle is the traditional multiplayer game class everyone is familiar with. This class will allow up to twenty-four players per match and will feature five brand new maps and five returning favorites. Spartans or Elites face off in free-for-all or team-based matches. Slayer, Capture The Flag, Assault and other traditional game types will be available in this class.
Alliance offers a new but familiar gaming experience. This class allows for up to eight players to engage in offensive or defensive scenarios as a team or competitively. All ten maps that are used in the previous class will be available in this one. There are two elements to Alliance: Permanence and Siege. Permanence requires you or your team to maintain a location, despite multiple waves of a variety of enemies that increase in difficulty. A predetermined amount of lives and time is controls the match: best score based on player-determined criteria wins. The second is Siege, which takes your team into an offensive scenario. The defensive location is guarded by constant and ever-respawning enemy. Eliminate and secure the location. When playing individually, secure the location from other players. Again, settings determine length of match and point system.
Iron Fisticuff is a brand new game class that is being offered for players who enjoy vehicular combat. Up to twenty-four players can play in this class. There will be five maps available at launch, and each one will be larger than the total real estate covered in Halo 2's multiplayer experience. Players are armed only with a single pistol and grenades; they must use vehicles and teamwork to survive. You can now operate almost all vehicles in the series, both new (Osprey, Eidolon, Kestrel) and old (Pelican, Phantom, Longsword) alike. The matches, much like Blood Scuffle, include Slayer, Team Slayer, Capture The Flag and Assault and take place in locales that range from an entire human city to an in-progress space battle between two capital ships. It will change the definition of Halo multiplayer forever.

Maar dat is nog niet alles! Het complete script lijkt ook gelekt te zijn. Tenminste een draft (proef) versie ervan. Je kunt het zogenaamde script hier downloaden/bekijken. (PDF reader noodzakelijk).

De mensen van Bungie.org beweren dat het fake is. Zie ook hun forum.

Update 22:06
Verder is er ook nog deze screen verschenen waar news0r van beweert dat die van Halo 3 is.