Eerste update Battlefield 2 binnenkort beschikbaar

Leo (leejow)
Gisteren heeft EA aangekondigd binnenkort al de 1.01 update uit te brengen voor Battlefield 2. De fixes die bij de patch zitten zijn bugs die gemeld zijn door mensen die de demo hebben getest.

-Fixed issues that caused the Multiplayer Browser to become unresponsive.

We've added some new functionality and buttons to the Multiplayer Browser that make finding an open game of Battlefield 2 much, much easier. Issues users have encountered involving zero ping servers or browser hangs have all be addressed.

-Fixed an issue where some game controls were not available to be rebound within the Options menu.

Some functions previously were not available to be rebound in the Controls Options menus. These items have been added to make rebinding of functions much easier.

-Fixed a crash with rebinding LMB

Users who rebind the Left Mouse Button to "Move forward" rejoice!

Een exacte datum is niet uitgekomen, maar EA zegt dat het "some time next week" is.