SWAT 4 patch v1.1

Remy (gieling)
Er is een nieuwe patch gekomen voor de tactical shooter SWAT 4. In deze update V1.1 (die tussen de 28 en 45mb is) zullen de volgende problemen worden opgelost en features verbeterd worden. Ook zullen er drie nieuwe multiplayer maps worden toegevoegd.
* Added multi-player versions of 3 single-player missions
* MP-ConvenienceStore
* MP-Hotel
* MP-JewelryHeist

* Added the SWAT 4 SDK, available as 'SWAT4_SDK.zip' in the SWAT 4
installationdirectory (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SDK IS NOT SUPPORTED!!!)

* Added Massive Streaming Ad Support

* Fixes for several exploits
* Fixed UMP .45 JHP ammunition to have correct ballistics properties
* ToggleBehindView console command no longer works in multiplayer
* Fixed potential wallhack exploit
* Fixed recoil negation keybinding exploit
* Fixed exploit that allowed players to make themselves appear to be

* Improved validation for game content (INI files and binary packages)

* Fixed crash in FD3DTexture::Cache

* Fixed problem where kicking by ID would kick the wrong person

* Fixed problem where player IDs would not display in the GUI in co-op games.

* Admins can now set up to 256 IP Policies (i.e., for banning players) instead of the previous limit of 50.

* Fixed problem where servers with 16/16 players would still show up when "Filter out full servers" was enabled.

* Fixed problem where incorrect server information would be returned when ping filtering was enabled.

* Fixed problem where only Rapid Deployment games would be returned when filtering servers for the Co-op game type.

* Fixed several issues related to language localization
* Fixed issue with character not appearing in Russian localized SKU
* Fixed cases where some game strings were localized preventing them from being properly translated in some regions.

* Fixed issue where server password characters were restricted in then password popup dialog but not in the server setup page. Server password characters are now completely unrestricted.

* Fixed problem where if you switch from Internet to LAN during a server
browser refresh some Internet servers would show up in the LAN listing.

* Fixed a problem where equipment selection would not work correctly in certain situations.

* Fixed problem where if your voice type was set to Random it would change in-game every time you pressed the o, m, or b keys.

* Removed unused network uplink code that was not necessary but would cause problems when enabled in INI files.

* Fixed problems with mirrors in the MP-Hotel map

* Functionality added for Intel 915G/945G cards for SWAT 4

* Increased default timeout for clients when reconnecting to a server. This
should reduce the likelihood of users being disconnected during map changes due to long load times on older machines and some hardware configurations.

* Small load time improvement

Klik hier om de patch te downloaden.