Vader van Final Fantasy naar Microsoft

De vader van de Final Fantasy serie en directeur van Mistwalker, Hironobu Sakaguchi, gaat samenwerken met Microsoft om games te gaan maken voor de opvolger van de Xbox. In eerste instantie zal het gaan om een tweetal RPG's.

Peter Moore is blij:

Sakaguchi-san has taken role-playing games, traditionally a niche market, and introduced them to a broad and diverse audience across the globe.

En ook Sakaguchi zelf is tevreden:
I'm excited about the two epic game titles we will be developing. A number of talented creators have signed on to help develop these games, and I'm confident we will be able to create games that provide gamers with a new kind of thrill.

Microsoft's cutting-edge technologies in the next-generation platform will allow me to bring to life an array of ideas that I have had for many years. I want these games to be alive with a new vision for gaming and vividly depict new characters that will transcend the game, find a place in the hearts of gamers, and make time spent with my games a fond and long-lasting memory.