THQ over de DS en de Revolution

THQ's directeur en CEO Brian Farrell sprak op de UBS' 32nd Annual Media Week Conference in New York over onder andere de Nintendo DS:
We see the PSP as sort of 16 and above. We're putting our older-gamer franchises (like MX, like WWE, some of the more core-gamer franchises) on PSP. DS we see as sort of 16 and below, so while we will put some of our slightly older titles on the DS, things like SpongeBob, The Incredibles, all of our key mass-market titles you will see on DS and GBA. So, we see Sony really winning at the high end of the market, and Nintendo excelling where they've normally excelled, which is gamers sort of 16 and under.

En over de Revolution:
Our bet is one system next year and then one, maybe two, in the following year. We're starting to hear a little bit more about even Nintendo's next product, Revolution, which, again, our best guess now is 2006.