Geile dominee wordt pornochick
Nikole Mitchell heeft een bijzondere carrièremove gemaakt. De 36-jarige MILF is namelijk sinds kort geen dominee meer. Nee, de Amerikaanse brunette verdient sinds enige tijd de kost als stripteasedanseres en webcamhoer.
Nikole groeide op in een zwaar christelijk milieu. Als baptist werd haar constant ingeprent dat haar verlangens en lichaam van nature zondig zijn. Al snel trouwde de dame in kwestie, kreeg drie kinderen en werd dominee.
Niets mis met een vrouwelijke dominee, zou je zeggen, maar haar omgeving was minder enthousiast. "Een vrouw hoort in de keuken te staan en voor de kinderen te zorgen", zo luidde de opvatting.
Toen Nikole en haar (inmiddels ex)-man een evangelische kerk bezochten, veranderde er iets in haar leven. Ze kreeg een openbaring die leidde tot een rigoreus besluit. Zo durfde deze nieuwe kerk openlijk gelijke rechten voor vrouwen aan de kaak te stellen.
De jonge, christelijke moeder begon hierop openlijk aan haar geaardheid te twijfelen. Al snel viel het kwartje: Nikole blijkt ook op vrouwen te vallen. Omdat de kerk nu niet echt staat te springen om mensen met een andere geaardheid, besloot ze haar baan als dominee op te zeggen.
Omdat de schoorsteen ook in Los Angeles moet blijven roken, besloot de brunette aan de slag te gaan als stripteasedanseres en webcamsnol. "Ik begon heel onschuldig met topless foto's", openbaart de gevallen christen. "Maar nu verricht ik geile opdrachten en maak pornografische filmpjes."
Nikole is inmiddels gescheiden en verhuisd van Minnesota naar LA. Ze zegt 'gelukkiger dan ooit' te zijn. Waarvan akte.
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It was a year ago today that I embarked on a journey of full self-expression - & who knew that just shy of a year later my story would be picked up by the @NYPost & would go viral within 24 hours! Thousands of new followers (👋🏾😊 hi!), getting close to almost 100 new Only Fans members (heyyy😘), new course students, 1:1 applicants, an invitation to be on Jimmy Kimmel again, & so much more!!! /// The lead-up to this didn’t happen overnight. I consistently showed up, put myself out there, took leaps of faith, left old identities, stepped into truer identities, invested in support, AND DID THE (INNER) WORK. I stayed the course even when I was scared. I trusted myself even when I felt crazy. I loved myself even when others didn’t. I held onto the vision I had for my life & I let that vision be bigger than all my fears. I tuned into that still small voice within me & let it be louder than all the opinions around me. I took inspired, aligned action & left all the “shoulds, oughts, and supposed to’s” behind me. And it all brought me to this point: Where I feel so safe to be me. Where I’m happy to be me. Where I’m free to be me. Where authenticity & integrity get to go hand in hand for me. Where my insides match my outsides. Where my joy matches my peace. Where my purpose meets my passion. Where my vision meets my everyday life. Where being me gets to be loved, supported, & always rewarded. ☝🏾This is what is most important. The fame & media attention gets to be the icing on the cake.😉 /// My word for you tonight? >>>Trust the nudges in your heart<<< You can’t see the dots connecting going forward, but you see it all so clearly looking backward. Your job? Is to trust yourself. Step into the unknown. And let that tug lead you all the way home. You will not be disappointed. I promise.❤️ It is so, so worth it - & YOU are so deserving of it. Happy One Year Anniversary to me to living fully unleashed & expressed. Thank you to everyone who’s loved & supported me on this journey. I truly wouldn’t be here without you. So so grateful for you. Here’s to being the free humxns we were always born to be.🙌🏾🔥🥰 Xoxo. Nikole❤️ 📸: @wsierraphotography
Een bericht gedeeld door Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) op25 Sep 2020 om 10:46 (PDT)
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Ahh! The New York Post picked up my story!! And it’s true: I have never been more at home in my power, in my radiance, and in my divine essence. And I have never been happier. If I can sum up what I’ve learned these past 4 years in coming home to myself, it’s this: -> You can trust yourself. I know there are a lot of voices that have a lot of opinions on what you should and should not do, should and should not be, but you are the only one who knows who you came here to be. Trust yourself, listen to yourself, and BE yourself. The world will adjust. -> God goes with you. If you left the church like I did, you didn’t leave God behind. God went with you and will continue to go before you, stay beside you, and close all things behind you. God’s got you, boo. -> Life is beautiful on the other side. It’s scary to step into the unknown. We’ve been taught to fear ourselves, fear our desires, and fear the nudges of our hearts. But I’m telling you - your desires are leading you to a place that is so beautiful and expansive and free, you’ll be SO GLAD you took that leap of faith. Life really does get better. ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you to everyone who has loved and supported me, both on this journey and in the publishing of my story! I am so humbled, honored, and grateful. You truly make the world a beautiful place.☺️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ You can read the article in my bio! ❤️❤️❤️ (Huge thanks to @makka_rena and @nypost for sharing my story!)
Een bericht gedeeld door Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) op24 Sep 2020 om 11:14 (PDT)
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“I have to become so fucking rich because I have so much money I want to give away." This was one of my main motivations in getting rich/er. And it's true. There is so much money I want to give away (what I give now is amazing but I want to give even more!), so many lives to empower, so many generations to impact, and a legacy to create. Money has the power to heal, transform, and uplevel the lives of generations to come, and I am here to do just that. I am here to give wealth a good name. Everyone who steps into my orbit knows what I mean. Spend 5 minutes with me and you'll leave feeling so pumped up, so alive, and so unstoppable, that your life will never be the same. And I don't say that lightly. When you meet someone who is so free, so empowered, so grateful, and so alive, you immediately want what they have. Because you know that kind of presence, energy, and power doesn't come from some external source. It comes from the infinite, invisible, eternal source itself, and it's fucking contagious. The same is available to you. You CAN have your dreams come true. You CAN land your dream job. You CAN make a shit ton of money. You CAN become the star you were born to be. Hold that vision. Do the inner work. Put powerful support in your corner. AND YOU WILL FUCKING MAKE IT. There is no way but up. There is no choice but to succeed. There is no option but to make it. When you have that kind of resolve and one-of-a-kind support in your corner, you will be blown away by how fast your dreams come true. In my circle, we don't mess. We rise to the occasion. We get clear on our vision. We put support in place. And we manifest the shit out of our dreams. We do.not.stop. This is the circle you want to be in. This is the energy you want to partake in. This is the momentum you want in your corner. It's time for you to rise. And I am here to take you to the top. Work with me 1:1 or join my mastermind. Links in my bio.❤️ 📸: @trudgephoto
Een bericht gedeeld door Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) op13 Sep 2020 om 4:41 (PDT)