Nieuwe info laatste Doom

Zoals we eerder al berichtten heeft id Software op QuakeCon een exclusieve onthulling gedaan met betrekking tot de nieuwe Doom. Nathan Grayson van Rock Paper Shotgun was aanwezig bij de onthulling en hield een mini-liveblog bij met alle details.

In een samenvatting zegt Grayson het volgende over de nieuwe Doom: "Het is Doom, maar dan met absurd gewelddadige. extreem snelle melee-finishers. Volgens mij zat Bulletstorm in dat opzicht nog niet eens op dit niveau. Los daarvan ziet de game er 'ok' uit. Snelle combat, lineaire levels, nadruk op over-the-top geweld en gibs in plaats van spanning en schrikeffecten."

Voor wat meer details kan je onderstaande mini-blog van Grayson bekijken. Het is een aardige waslijst dus de meest relevante en 'grafische' details zijn ge-highlight. Helaas zijn er nog geen daadwerkelijke beelden gelekt, maar we houden de media nauwlettend in de gaten.

Update 666: Trailer of monsters, “unholy fusion of flesh and metal.” They look pretty Pacific Rim like, which makes sense given that they have one of the movie’s main artists on it.

Trailer ends with a shotgun loading sound. Pretty insubstantial. There will be slimy, ugly monsters. Not even sure if that was in-engine.

Update 667: Oh, now it’s time for the real details. Game is just called Doom, not Doom 4. Origin story, reimagining. Takes place on Mars.

Update 668: And then I lost connection for the entire demo. Took notes, though. Here you go:

Doom created to be fast, brutal. Not waiting around for health to recharge. Showed quick animatics of enemies getting gibbed. Looks OK.

There will be fast-paced competitive multiplayer. Will run on a new evolution of their tech, Id Tech 6.

Game will be on PC and next-gen consoles.

Demo time. Marine puts on helmet. Walks through corridors I’m big facility. Tons of lava below. Finds a trail of blood. Graphics look nice, but nothing insane. Level design seems very linear.

Demons appear. Super quick movement. Shooting followed by tearing into demons and ripping out organs, all in one quick movement. Just slide forward and finish them, sometimes with a trip that leads into a thunderous slam. Enemies break apart like moldy bread. Literally tearing them in half sometimes. Almost God of War esque in that respect. Hyper violent. Very fast.

Need a hand to use a key scanner. Go rip the arm off a corpse and push it against the scanner. This is ridiculous.

Go upstairs. Surrounded by demons. Shotgun them, stun, and move in for the finish. Crushing heads, chunks flying everywhere.

Lots of walkways and rails. Demon gets shot and falls in half. Demons are pretty basic. Humanoid. Long-range spell attacks and up close clawing.

Finds beam assault rifle. Mowing everything down with it. Lots of explosions now. Leaping on top of crates and rails and slamming down on enemies.

Encounter hologram of someone saying they’ve “lost containment.” That’s an understatement.

Update 669: First demo ends with a demon ripping the player’s arms off and beating him to death with them. Seriously.

Second demo. Walk through quiet, less lava-filled warehouse area. Then demons. Player finds the chainsaw, which peels enemies in half like rotten banana peels. They get all floppy and everything. Ewwwwww.

There’s a radial menu you can pop up to switch weapons. It briefly slows down time.

Bigger demons show up in slightly more open room full of crates. Tough, mobile. Can climb stuff. They are mean, but they explode into sinew confetti like everything else.

Then a big fat demon. Super slow, but has multiple projectile attacks. Kill it by ripping out the pustule in its stomach and shoving it down its own mouth, causing it to explode into a pile of lard and entrails. Somewhere, the concept of pacifism weeps.

Open a door. Cyberdemon towers over player, roars. Then the demo ends.