Interview met Oblivion maker

Experience Gaming heeft laatst een interview gehouden met Todd Howard, de Executive Producer van the Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion. Ondanks dat Howard zich over heel veel dingen nog niet kon uitlaten, kwamen er enkele interessante dingen uit het interview.
Emil Pagliarulo, who worked on the Thief series, has been working on (sneaking), and it’s much more realistic, using light and shadow and how you are moving. It’s always been tricky for us because you have physical things affecting sneaking, and then abstract things, like your character’s skills, so I think we’re getting a better balance of how that plays out and giving the player feedback on if they can be seen, and NPCs searching for you and you can hear them say things like “I know you’re here somewhere…” kind of stuff.

There is a “border” – you basically hit an invisible wall and the game says “you’ve reached the edge – go back”. So no, there is not infinite water. Cyrodiil is surrounded by the other provinces, so we have to do a border. As much as possible, we try to make this a physical barrier, like a mountain, but that just looks odd sometimes, so we go with the game message. But because you can now see so far, we’ve had to build miles of landscape into these provinces, because even though you cannot “go” there, you can stand on a mountain and “see” there.

Ook wordt er gesproken over hitpoints, de balans tussen melee en magic en nog veel meer. Lees het volledige interview hier